
Richmond Hospital Birth Centre - where a team of dedicated healthcare professionals come together to provide person-focused, family-centered, safe and inclusive perinatal care. We provide care for approximately 1500 childbearing families each year.

  1. 1
    Preparing for Birth
  2. 2
    Coming to the Hospital
  3. 3
    During Labour
  4. 4
    Baby is Born
  5. 5
    Before Leaving
  6. 6
    Discharged Home - What’s Next?
  1. Our Unit

    Completely renovated in 2008, the Birth Centre features 15 single room maternity care rooms, 3 non-birthing rooms, a birthing-specific operating room, a post-surgical recovery area, and a triage area with 3 outpatient assessment bays.

  2. Our Services

    As a Perinatal Services BC Tier 3 Maternity and Neonatal Centre, we provide comprehensive perinatal care services to pregnant people with normal to moderate-risk pregnancies, and neonatal care services for babies born at or above 32 weeks gestation.

  3. Our Model of Care

    Based on principles of single-room maternity care (also known as “labour-delivery-recovery-postpartum care”), a family stays together in one room from the time of hospital admission to discharge.

  4. Our Health Care Team

    Made up of perinatal-trained Registered Nurses, Registered Midwives, Family Physicians, Obstetricians, Pediatricians, Anesthesiologists, and a perinatal Social Worker; together we provide high-quality, individualized care and support.